Project Details

After completing site plans on the adjacent land for an over 55 apartment building and an assisted living facility, we were hired to create a condominium complex of duplexes on a five-acre parcel on the corner of Button Drive and Horizon Drive. The land was a vacant, forested parcel.

This project required waivers for building setbacks and for a residential use in the Route 102 Overlay District. It also required a Conditional Use Permit to allow multifamily residential in the Route 102 PUD Overlay Zone.

Wetlands on the property were flagged and an existing conditions plans was created. Seven duplex units (for a total of fourteen units) front along Button and Horizon Drive. Each duplex shares one septic and has town water. A road widening and drainage easement was required so that drainage could be added along Button Drive and then discharged back onto the property and towards the wetlands. There is also a stormwater pond behind the buildings.