Project Details

This 112 bed assisted living community was constructed in 2016. It was designed in tandem with an over 55 community on an adjacent parcel. The lot was originally five lots which were consolidated into one, and Golen Drive was discontinued to accommodate a shared driveway. Sewer had to be brought through the adjacent parcel and onto the All American Assisted Living land. The lot was considered prime habitat for the New England Cottontail. It took some negotiation with NHDES to be allowed to build on the lot.

We secured an NHDOT driveway permit, which required a traffic engineer to model the surrounding intersection on Route 102; and a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment to increase the number of units in the building from the allowed 27 units to 58 units. A town of Londonderry Site Plan approval and an NHDES Alteration of Terrain Permit were also required. The drainage for the site consisted of overland storm water flow to a series of storm water treatment basins before discharging towards the nearby wetlands. Bedford Design provided survey layout and As-Built plans for the construction phase.